Prairie Nation Auto Loans
Buying a used car makes a lot of sense for most people when compared to purchasing a new car. When a person buys a new car, truck, van or SUV, they can expect it to lose a significant portion, often over 30% as soon as you’ve left the lot!
To make matters worse, the vehicle can lose at least an additional 10% of its value by the end of the first year of ownership. If you buy your used vehicle from the best auto dealers in Saskatoon you can get a vehicle very near brand new quality at a price that will be far below what you’d have to pay if you purchased a brand new one.
When you consider these facts, buying a quality used car, truck, van, or SUV seems like the best option. This is because it will save you money, attain the exact financing terms you require, and if the vehicle is under the KM limit and years in service, it will still be covered by the manufacturers warranty!
If you are in Saskatoon and looking for the best used auto dealers then Prairie Nation Auto Loans is here for you. Here is how we help our customers to get their dream vehicles at the best prices.
The Best Level of Service
Service is everything. Even the greatest inventory and the best prices mean nothing if you cannot work with a professional, compassionate and knowledgeable team throughout your path to purchase. Our team of experts work tirelessly to deliver the best service in auto sales, inventory, and finance.
The Best Inventory
Saskatoon used auto dealers cannot compete with the size and diversity of our inventory. We have a wide range of hundreds of vehicles that cover SUVs, trucks, coupes, cars and vans.
If you have a specific make or model you’re looking for, we are sure to have something that fits you and your family’s needs and wants. In the event we don’t have it in our inventory, Prairie Nation Auto Loans is more than happy to reach out to our industry contacts to source the exact vehicle you’re looking for.
The Best Quality Control
All of our vehicles undergo a comprehensive full body mechanical inspection so that you know your vehicle will not run into any mechanical issue.
The Best Financing Options
We believe that every person should be able to drive a car that makes them happy and keeps them safe. For these reasons we go the extra mile to offer flexible financing options to our customers. If you would like to discuss these options today feel free to call one of our representatives or fill out our online form to find out about the options that are available to you.
Contact Us
#2 – 815 Circle Dr. E. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 3S4
Sales and Customer Service Hotline: (306)-988-7399
Sales Hours
Monday: 9:00AM – 6:00PM
Tuesday - Friday: 9:00AM – 8:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM – 6:00PM
Sunday: Closed
Start the process today!
Simply contact one of our helpful representatives by telephone or by using our simple online form